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  • Stephanie

Postpartum Depression and coping with the "Baby Blues"

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

Postpartum takes place after a woman delivers a child. Within a couple of hours of delivering the quantity of the two female hormonal agents, estrogen and progesterone, go back to their pre-pregnancy levels. A number of researchers believe that this drop in hormonal agent levels, which is similar to the smaller changes in hormone levels that can affect a woman's state of mind right before her menstrual cycle, is one of the causes of postpartum depression.

Postpartum depression

Another aspect that can cause postpartum depression also known as or peripartum depresionis genetics. This kind of anxiety can be transfered from mother to child. There is also a connection between postpartum anxiety and women who struggle with extreme premenstrual syndrome.In some women the levels of thyroid hormonal agents decrease. This decrease in these hormones can result in signs of depression too. Some of these signs consist of a depressed mood, a loss of interest in everyday things, problems sleeping and tiredness, weight and irritability gain.

The "baby blues"

Postpartum depsression is also known as the baby blues. One in 10 new mothers experience this a one level or another. Also in addition to the extreme changes in hormonal agent levels, a new baby in a household means many changes to your our life that are beyond recognition and in away that you can in no way predict or control. Having a baby can cause unexpected stress that can in turn can cause depression.

How do you get postpartum depression?

Going through labour is exhausting, painful and beyond nanything any woman will ever have experienced on a aphysical and/or emotional level. Also a new mum has very little time to recover and heal as she has a new baby. Then there is the exhaustion of sleeplenss nights and no time to yourself. It is a huge shift and adjustment.

Are you up to the job?

New moms can also become detached from their partners and family. They discover that their time is minimal and they just do not have very little time to spend with the rest of their household. There is only so much time in the day.Many new Mums question themselves, are they are doing a good job.They might feel overwhelmed and begin to feel stressed and anxious and that they are not doind it the right way and that they aren't giving their new baby what they need.

Feelings of loss

For new mums, postpartum depression can be accompanied with feelings of a loss of indentity with who they once were. Their new routine will be unrecognizable from their life before baby and it is something you have to experience to know. For some women the feelings of inadequacy and depression get worse and do not go away. If you are feeling this in anyway no matter how severe you think it is you should see your doctor. You are not alone. For the majority of women the feelings of the "baby blues" do go away as your hormone levels go back their normal levels. But for some women those feelings intensify, leaving a women feeling alone and out of control. Please seek the help of a medical health professional.

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