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**Trigger Warning for Diet Culture** In this week's episode we discuss diet culture and how it has affected your sex life. Do you avoid sex or getting naked with the light on because you are not happy with your body. Suzie is body confident, Mel admits her many ups and downs with it over the years. We talk about the impossible, airbrushed Instagram images we are all living up to. You look at those images and it's almost impossible to leave and feel great about yourself. We seem to portray a lot of body images at each extreme, there is not so much in the middle where in particular most women are.

Diet Culture Is there more judgment and pressure on women? Is it self-imposed? How much does our diet obsessed culture impact relationships and hook-ups? We dive into what Mel calls the never ending totorturous journey that is diet culture and how it is (amongst other things) making sex and relationships harder than ever! Mel's facts 1) According to the article, "What is Diet Culture", in from February 3rd 2023, "Diet culture is the pervasive belief that appearance and body shape are more important than physical, psychological, and general well-being." 2) According to the article, "My Sex and Love Lfe Drastically Improved When I Quiet Dieting",in on 1st September 2023, "Research has shown that around 50% of 13-year-old american gilrs reported being unhappy in their bodies, which grows to nearly 80% by the time girls reach 17 yeards of age." Tune into this week's episode. New episode every Wednesday. Listen here
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