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Female Low Libido

What causes the loss of libido in women? It is the loss of your sex drive. What causes that? It is infact a very common problem that can affect many women at different points in their lives. 


It can frequently be linked to a variety of diffrent issues such as stress, fatigue, relationship issues, and it can also be the sign of a medical problem, for instance reduced hormome levels.


Your sex drive is an individual thing and no two are the same. There is no such thing as a "normal"and  regular libido. However if your lack of desire is causing you distress and affecting your life and your relationship with your partner, it is probably time to get some help.


The main thing is not to feel shame or embarassement about reaching out for help. Many women experience problems with their sex drive during their life and seeking advice, help and encouragement is the first step to resolving the issue. Low libido is something that can be treated. You do not have to accept that this is your life from this point on.

Image by Julia Caesar

What are the common reasons for a low libido in women?

Problems in your relationship

Perhaps on the first things you should consider is whether you are happy in your relationship. Is unhappiness, dissatisfaction and apathy at the route of the problem? Are you having doubts and worries that could be the cause of your lack of sexual desire?


A low libido can be caused by

  • the loss of sexual attraction towards your partner

  • boredome and overfamiliarity with your partner

  • conflict and stress

  • poor or minimal communication

  • a lack of trust in your relationship

  • actual physical sexual health problems that are causing pain and/or discomfort


Physical sexual problems

Consider that there mabe an actual physical issue that is actually making sex itself difficult for you. The physical issues that you experince during sex can be varied and be the result of:


Stress, anxiety and physical exhaustion

It will come as no surprise that stress, anxiety and exhaustion can be so all-consuming that that can negatively affect your happiness, physical wellbeing and ability to feel sexual and aroused. They can quite litteraly kill your sex drive. Also if you are in a constant state of physical exhaustion, for example after the birth of a child or you are stressed or anxious, this will no doubt have a powerful affect on your sex drive.


Depression is very serious and not the same as just feeling unhappy, overwhelmed or just fed up. If you are depressed and you are in a very dark place, it is a serious illness that will impact all areas of your life, including your sex life. 

Signs of depression, including low libido can include some of the following:

  • deep, dark feelings of extreme sadness that will not go away

  • a constant feeling of being low and a feeling of  hopelessness

  • when you loose interest in the things that you enjoy or derive pleasure from


If you think that you are feeling depressed you should seek the advice of your GP. He or she will be able to advise you as to the main treatments available and the best course of action to follow whether that is talking therapies or antidepressants.


It is also important to consider that a low sex drive could also be a side effect of antidepressants. Speak to your GP if you think this could be the problem.


Aging and the menopause

Many men and women do experience a reduced sex drive as they get older, but this is not inevitable. There could also be many reasons that your sex drive has reduced with the aging process such as:

  • the falling levels of sex hormones (oestrogen and testosterone) just before, during and after the menopause in women 

  • many age-related health problems, that could also include mobility problems 

  • the side effects of perscription medication


Pregnancy, child birth and breastfeeding

Losing interest in sex during pregnancy, after giving birth or while breastfeeding your child is very common. There are many reasons for this, not least of all because of sheer exhaustion. The loss of sexual desire can also be caused by:

  • the changes in your hormone levels

  • to the changes in your body and your body perception or body image

  • mental and physical exhaustion

  • pain experienced during sex  due to a childbirth injury such as perineal lacerations or tears or cesaran stitches making you feel very uncomfortable

  • quite simply being busy, your priorities change and looking after a baby is all consuming


Perscription medication and contraception

Certain medications can sometimes cause a reduction in yor libido, including:

  • medications for reducing high blood pressure

  • some antidepressant medications

  • medications to manage fits and seizures, such as topiramate

  • antipsychotics, such as haloperidol

  • hormonal contraception such as  the combined hormonal contraception (pill, patch or ring), the progestogen-only pill, the contraceptive implant and the contraceptive injection


Alcohol and drugs

Drinking large amounts of alcahol and taking drugs over a sustained period of time can have a major impact on your sex drive. 

Image by Eye for Ebony
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